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Steamboat Blog

Tag - nightlife

Whether you’re looking for happy hour, dinner and drinks, or a cocktail, you want to be outside for “magic hour.” You know, when the alpenglow hits the mountain peak and everybody is just grinning from ear to ear when you walk down the Core Trail? Pull up a barstool at one of these venues.


When you’re in the mountains, surrounded by gorgeous views, are nearly 7,000 feet closer to the sun, and it’s summer - happy hour is the cherry on top of a busy and beautiful day of hiking, kayaking, biking or exploring the Yampa Valley. Just remember that altitude and alcohol make for a strong

One of the greatest things about Steamboat is the live music. Despite our remote geography, we catch some amazing acts that want to get out of Denver, or cruise past us on their way from Jackson Hole to some other trendy town. The music bookers in town book some incredibly high-caliber acts - it all

Steamboat Highlights