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YPN hosts events ranging from monthly networking happy hours open to anyone interested in learning more about our organization, lunchtime educational events to provide our members an opportunity to gain insight into community issues, professional growth and conference-style learning, and ways to give back to our community and help shape the next generation of leaders.

Steamboat Springs Young Professionals Network monthly events rotate among several formats, from evening networking opportunities featuring a guest speaker to lunchtime instructional sessions to open house-style mixers. Events featuring community guest speakers give YPN members an opportunity to gain insight into the background, career struggle and successes, and career advice of a successful business person. Check back regularly for updates on upcoming events.

Monthly Happy Hour

YPN Monthly Happy Hour is an open house-style event which allows current and prospective YPN members to mingle in a relaxed, fun environment. If you don’t have a YPN membership, this is a great way to get to know the members and find out what is in store for the coming months.

In The Know

“In the Know” presentations take place the third Thursday of every other month (odd months of the year) and are designed to inform members issues that impact young professionals in our community. Occasionally, these may also take place in the form of a professional development workshop. These take place during the noon hour and lunch will be provided.


Stands for helping young professionals succeed. Each year we bring today’s inspirational thought leaders to the Yampa Valley to fuel and inspire your ideas and provide guidance for self-improvement. This inaugural event is designed as a summit for the Young Professionals Network of Steamboat, but the event is open to everyone. Prepare for a night of rapid-fire presentations that will be quick, but impactful.

YPN On-Boarding

In partnership with the Community Foundation, the goal of this event is to pair YPN members with local non-profits looking to fill board seats. We provide an atmosphere where individuals can learn more about various organizations in town that they may want to be involved with.

YES Golf Tournament

The Youth Education Scholarship Fund (Y.E.S.) Golf Tournament is organized by the Young Professionals Network and the Steamboat Springs Chamber. Proceeds from the tournament are awarded to Routt County high school graduating seniors as well as renewal scholarships for past recipients of the scholarship still enrolled. To read more about this event, please click here.

Summer Member Appreciation Event

Come out and celebrate the summer season while catching up with members of the YPN community. Drinks and food provided for new and current YPN members but the party is open to the public.

OktoberWest Beer Stroll

The Friday night beer stroll during Oktoberwest is also our organizational fundraiser. Come out and enjoy the fun at downtown restaurants while you taste craft brews and enjoy food specials as the kick-off to the Oktoberwest event in Steamboat.

Holiday Party

This annual function is held at the end of each year to celebrate the program accomplishments, invite potential new members to join, and enjoy the holiday season with fellow YPN members.