Information & resources provided by Billo.
For those planning to visit a dispensary in Steamboat Springs while vacationing here, there are a few regulations to know. While Steamboat does allow the sale of recreational marijuana, that doesn’t mean puffing a joint while walking down Lincoln Avenue is allowed. Sure, we may pride ourselves on our western heritage but this is not the wild west of cannabis.
To help navigate both statewide and local ordinances, here is a quick guide to help answer the most common questions our guests have about the consumption of marijuana in Steamboat.
What do I need in order to buy recreational marijuana in Steamboat?
Adults age 21 or older are legally allowed to purchase cannabis products for recreational consumption. All patrons visiting a Steamboat Springs dispensary will be required to provide proof of age. This needs to be in the form of a valid driver's license or passport. IDs are checked at the entrance and only those with valid proof of age will be allowed to enter the dispensary. Those unable to provide an acceptable government-issued ID will be kindly asked to step out of the store. This is a legal mandate required for any licensed business to operate a dispensary in Colorado and is non-negotiable. All patrons, no matter their perceived age, will be required to provide a valid ID in order to enter the facility.
How much marijuana can a person buy at one time?
Colorado cannabis regulators have set a limit on the amount of marijuana a person can purchase in a day. Customers will be permitted to buy up to 1 ounce of cannabis products per day by weight or weight equivalent. If you’re buying a combination of flower, edibles, and concentrates don’t worry about the math; your budtender will be trained to calculate legal limits for you. The legal limit is set “per person” so if you’re in a group looking to purchase more than 1 ounce, plan to buy your products separately. Note that any time money is collected together towards a combined purchase it will be considered an individual transaction and held to the 1-ounce weight limit rules.
How much marijuana can I legally carry with me?
Similar to the daily purchase limit, those who are 21 or older are legally allowed to carry up to 1 ounce of cannabis products with them. Your products can be transported in a vehicle but must remain in the closed and sealed container they were purchased. Any evidence of consumption in your vehicle or containers with missing products put you at risk of breaking Colorado Open Container Law. Consumption of marijuana in any form while in a vehicle is illegal and strictly enforced. So plan to transport your products to where you live or stay before you begin to consume.
Can I take my marijuana with me when I leave?
No! Federal Law prohibits the transportation of cannabis products across state boundaries and doing so will be prosecuted as a felony. Airports including the Yampa Valley Regional Airport are considered Federal facilities and marijuana are not permitted inside these buildings at any time. Packing marijuana in your suitcase with the intent to fly home with it puts you at risk of committing a Federal crime so just don’t try it! Security checkpoints at both the Hayden and Denver International Airports use scanning equipment designed to detect cannabis products packed in luggage. And yes, the U.S. Postal Service also restricts the packaging and shipment of cannabis products in the mail. So plan to consume any marijuana you purchase in Steamboat before you leave, and dispose of any products not consumed before you depart.
Where can I legally consume cannabis in Steamboat Springs?
This is often the number one question our visiting guests ask once they’ve purchased their legal weed. While it is legal to purchase and possess cannabis products here, there remain several restrictions as to where you can legally consume those items. Consumption of marijuana in any form (smoking, vaping, or eating) is prohibited in any public venue. Consumption in private residences is legal if allowed by the property owner. Please understand that many lodging properties in Steamboat strictly prohibit smoking or vaping marijuana within their guest rooms and common areas. Under Colorado’s Clean Indoor Air Act, smoking marijuana is prohibited anywhere that smoking tobacco is prohibited. And consumption of marijuana is strictly prohibited while at any dispensary in Steamboat Springs. Please take the products you purchase off of the premises before consuming them.
Can I smoke pot at the ski area?
Marijuana consumption is banned while on federal land including ski slopes, national forests, and parks. The Steamboat Ski Area is no exception. Smoking weed on chairlifts or on the Steamboat gondola is considered a big no-no. The Steamboat Ski & Resort Corporation has a zero-tolerance rule for marijuana consumption at the resort so avoid blazing up while there. We all want you to enjoy your skiing experience so leave your weed at home.
Will anyone know that I visited a dispensary in Steamboat?
For anyone who might be concerned about some sort of ledger that records your purchase at a dispensary, Amendment 64 prohibits a dispensary from keeping a list of those who purchase marijuana. Unless you opt to provide it, a dispensary will not capture or record your personal information while visiting the store. Keep in mind that any state-licensed cannabis facility is required to maintain security cameras meant to record the activities happening inside the dispensary. These cameras can be accessed at any time by Colorado Marijuana Enforcement Division officials for the purpose of monitoring activity. But these videos are not generally meant to identify customers and are not available to the public.
Thank you to Billo for the provided resources and information.