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Steamboat Symphony Orchestra

  • Overview

    The mission of the Steamboat Symphony Orchestra is to integrate the experience of orchestral music into the heart of our community, to deliver outstanding professional performances, and to provide music education that is accessible and compelling.

    Concerts: We offer outstanding professional orchestral experiences throughout the season.

    • Seasonal concerts: We offer three orchestral performances featuring local, national, and international guest artists.
    • Summer music series: We provide free ensemble performances to make music accessible to the community.
    • Collaborative concerts: We collaborate with community and arts organizations in a variety of venues to amplify performing arts experiences to attract diverse audiences.

    Music Education: We nurture the study of music through a variety of educational programs for musicians of all ages.

    • Strings Immersion, under the leadership of Music Director and Conductor Ernest Richardson is an intensive, extended experience providing young strings students a unique opportunity to rehearse and perform chamber and orchestral music. Incorporating professional master musicians, the experience culminates with a community concert.
    • Steamboat Springs High School Strings Orchestra is a partnership between the Steamboat Symphony Orchestra (SSO) and the Steamboat Springs School District (SSSD). Led by the SSO Education Director and Concertmaster Teresa Steffen Greenlee, the High School Orchestra provides the critical foundation and pathway which allows students to continue their musical journey.